However, sometimes this co-worker forgets that Zabba is only 2 and still has a hard time with what is appropriate to put in her mouth. Not only that, she still sometimes forgets she should throughly chew her food before she swallows.
That being said, I couldn't in all honesty keep this toy away from her even though I knew it to be inappropriate.

I shall show you.
First, take Clucky out of the package

***WARNING*** Some of the following pictures may be a little graphic for those with weak stomachs.
Next, violently twist off Clucky's head and place on table

Third, shove bubble gum egg down Clucky's throat
Fourth, find chicken head, try to shove it on and then figure out that you twisted it off so it needs to be twisted back on.
Fifth-forget to take picture of you twisting the little wind up thingy located conveniently on the side of Clucky.
Sixth-laugh at your husband's joy at seeing a blue egg fall out of Clucky's end.
Here is a little video of Clucky in action. Enjoy!