Where in the world has the past 2 1/2 years gone? I feel like it was yesterday that I brought home this sweet little girl. I can't even believe that I am sitting here thinking about preschool. I always told myself that my kids would go to preschool, but now I'm not so sure. I'm not ready for her to enter this whole new phase and become ***gasp*** a preschooler!
As a former kindergarten teacher I have witnessed the difference between kids who go to preschool (even if it's just one year) and those who didn't. So I know the importance, but still...I just don't know if I am ready for this.
A couple of weeks ago the kids and I went to a preschool fair at the community center. I was shocked that there was about 25 or so different schools there. It was overwhelming to say the least. Thankfully they provided me with a booklet that had information about the schools that were there. Since I live one town over there are still a couple others that I need to call and find out more about. So, now comes the task of figuring out which school is going to be the best for us.
Here's the table that I am using to decide which school will give the best bang for my buck. Well, my table didn't come out quite right, but you get the idea.
Name of Preschool
Days and Times
Student/Teacher Ratio
Registration Date and Fee
Other things to think about:
Do they go on field trips?
Outdoor play area?
Security? When are doors locked and unlocked?
Are background checks done on teachers? How often? Are they First Aid and CPR certified?
Other things to think about:
Do they go on field trips?
Outdoor play area?
Security? When are doors locked and unlocked?
Are background checks done on teachers? How often? Are they First Aid and CPR certified?